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Wednesday, August 3, 2011

Wednesday Workout: Plyometrics

Haven't heard of it? I hadn't really either, though I *think* it might be part of the P90X workouts.

According to Health.com, it's a really great workout! It's also a super way to get in cardio and strength at the same time!  The particular workout they feature is a circuit of 30 seconds on then 30 seconds rest.  Here's the link for it!

Here's another great workout from Sarah Dussault working for diet.com.  This one looks a little less intense than the Health.com workout.  (you can see more by searching and following both diethealth and sarahsfabchannel on youtube or visit Sarah's website sarahfit.com)

Both of these workouts do require the use of a step.  An aerobics step is best, but you could use stairs if you have them.  You'll also need a bench for the health.com workout and a bosu ball is needed for the video.  You might be able to come up with something else that you could use that wouldn't require those tools.  If you're busty like me, you'll need a good, high impact sports bra.

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