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Monday, October 3, 2011

Don't get too comfy here...

I'm moving this blog! I currently have two personal blogs I've been trying to keep up with.  It suddenly occurred to me to make them into one!  Don't worry, all of the content (the good stuff anyway) will get moved over to the new blog.

The new blog will be called "Crunchy, Crafty, and Crazy!" It will be filled with all the things you like about this blog, plus the things from my other blog, and any random thing that comes across my mind--everything from healthy, green living to religion and politics.

I hope to have it ready in just a few weeks.  I'll let ya know when it gets done!

Sunday, September 18, 2011

Hi my name is Celesa and I am an addict

Wow, it's been a while since I've written! So much has gone on in the last month or so. I've totally broken my diet. It really sucks this time, cause I had done so well for longer than I've ever been able to stick to a diet. At one point I had actually gotten down to 189, but now I'm back up to 193. ;( I'm not making excuses, but there was a lot of emotional stuff to deal with. I swear it would be sooooo much easier to lose the weight if I just lived in a box. I've really come to see just how much I'm addicted to food. I know, I know I laugh when people say that too. Let me explain myself. I believe that when we allow something to comfort us other than God that it is wrong and we will become addicts to whatever it is. Not to mention that gluttony is a sin, and sin always separates you from God. I have been stuffing my face with JUNK for this whole month, literally eating away my feelings. There were a few days when I would realize that I was eating to not have to deal with my emotions. I was relying on the food to comfort me rather than an Almighty, loving God who desires for me to lean on Him. Like every other form of addiction, it was just making things worse and worse. I've been doing a lot of research on just what goes in our food. It's appalling to me what is allowed to go into our food. I've decided to work toward eliminating any harmful or potentially harmful products from our diet, and to restrict the amount of animal products we ingest. No, I'm not going to be vegan, but I will be mostly vegetarian. Im still working out what exactly that entails, but living here in Texas, it's definitely going to be hard! I'll write another post or two to show the research behind why I've made this decision later. I certainly don't think everyone needs to do this the same way I am. I think it's extremely important to educate yourself and look at the issue from every angle, then make a decision that's good for yourself. For Christians, that requires prayer and seeing what God would have you do. I am starting to feel lead that I shouldn't put anything into my body that God didn't make. After all, he did make for us everything that we need. Nutrition is the absolute building block for health and Its more important to me to be healthy than to have the number on the scale drop. For this reason, I will post my weight only as a signal that I'm getting healthier. I no longer have a goal weight. I'm just going to treat my body well, and fuel it properly. That will mean the number on the scale drops, but it also means so much more. I'm not going to diet, I'm going to eat to live and live functioning at my best. As I've already said, I will write more as soon as I figure it all out. :)

Thursday, August 11, 2011

Recipe: Delicious Turkey Meatloaf

You can now see this yummy recipe at my NEW blog Crunchy, Crafty, and Crazy!

I LOVE this meatloaf! It's the closest I've ever come to a "real" meatloaf. The texture is great, and there's all
sorts of yummy goodness inside.

I use ground turkey because it has less trans fats than ground beef does.  It's best to get the highest quality, leanest ground turkey you can.  That will reduce the amount of fillers (yucky, yucky stuff added to many ground meats on the market today) and the amount of fat in the finished product.  Here's a tip: get meats from a local meat market.  They may not be found everywhere, but I'm willing to bet there's on pretty close by.  You'll often get the cheapest price, and higher quality meat than going to the super market.  You can also have the a turkey breast ground for you at the meat counter in your local super market.

This recipe does not require an egg, and no more bread crumbs.  Using oatmeal and whole wheat bread, it gets you in a little complex carbs also.  I like to serve it with steamed broccoli with cheese sauce.  Delish!

Like all of my recipes, these are just the general amounts I put in.  If you like more or less of something than add it.  Just try not to do anything that will mess with the fat content.  It the mixture seems too dry add a little milk, if it seems too wet add in more oats or bread.  Feel free to add any other seasonings you'd like, but watch for sodium content.  While the verdict might be out on how sodium may effect your heart, it will definitely make you bloat.